
Spore unlimited complexity mod
Spore unlimited complexity mod

spore unlimited complexity mod

You need to zoom out as far as you possibly can (i.e. If you don't zoom out far enough, this cheat won't work. If you pause using the ESC key, this cheat won't work. You need to pause the game using the pause button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen - not with the ESC key. To pause sooner, get your mouse ready over the pause button as soon as you click the bones, and click as soon as the icon appears letting you know that you've unlocked some parts.

  • Pausing too late: If you pause too late and the bones have already faded out, zooming in and out won't make them renew.
  • Make sure you wait long enough before pausing the game.
  • Pausing too early: If you are pausing before the parts unlocked icon appears (the bones will have almost fully faded out), the bones will still respawn when you pause and zoom in/out, but you won't unlock any parts.
  • There are two times when people pause that cause issues: To fix this, make sure you are essentially standing on top of the bones - get as close to them as you possibly can before activating freecam and clicking on them. This means, if you aren't close enough to the bones to claim them when you have the freecam cheat activated, this cheat won't work.

    spore unlimited complexity mod

    When the freecam cheat is activated, your creature can't move. Below are some common issues that might help you if the bones aren't respawning for you, or if you aren't able to claim them.

    Spore unlimited complexity mod